Control Alt Delete

Hedayat Reda

Control Alt Delete

I’m realizing the shift needs to happen.

Teach Me How To Write
of kaleidoscopes and pink parasols
without losing my feet in the grass. 

That entrepreneurial poem was wasted
9-5, 10-7… to 7.00AM.
A typing oblivion.  

They say that patience is a virtue.
If so, then wasn’t Sisyphus
the most patient of us all?  

Do flowery words and metaphors
make us unique?
Or is it really the age of “done”
of “complete”?  

When the glass is empty
I know I’ve been quenched.
But what happens when the bottle
is a fountain?
or a waterfall?
A regurgitating well
of ideas?

No Rest

Intruding interfaces
and unlocked doors
pitter patter on the ground
someone loses a daughter
or patience  

Rest is for the wicked
I see your hospitality and raise you
my tombstone. Cushioned somewhere in
unholy ground.

Hedayat Reda is an Egyptian writer and reader who tries to make sense of her life through writing. Someday she will figure out what genre makes sense and why people write in the first place. For now it's all an experiment.




A Concept Album for the Outcasts